Welcome to my Shaded Mini Rex Guide. Here you will find most Shaded possiblities of Mini Rex with the exception of a few that
I will probably never find pictures of.
Not all of these pictures are mine so there will be a caption underneath each picture with the name of the owner or the
rabbitry name. Plus, a link to the breeder's website if they have one. These are all excellent pictures. A big thanks to everyone
that has donated them so far. However, I am still missing a lot of pictures so if you have some that are currently needed
below, feel free to donate them along with your name or website. Also feel free to contact me if you have any questions or
comments about anything on this page.
This page is still
under construction. Again, I need lots of pictures so if you have something that is currently missing below, feel free to
donate the pictures along with your name or rabbitry name and website(if you have one).
You can contact me at snobunny22789@yahoo.com
Recognized Shaded Varieties:
Black Tort:
Other Possible Names: Tortoise
aa B-C-D-ee
-Full color.
-Non extension color.
-Dense color.
-Eyes Should be brown
-Nails Dark
Best bred back to Tort but may also be bred to a Black that does not carry dilute or Chocolate and sometimes Red(very
specific and limited breeding)
Newborn - 4 weeks
6 weeks - 5 months
Senior and Over
Picture taken by Wildriver Rabbitry |
Here are two Tort siblings at about 4 days old. Notice how the kit on the left is darker than the kit on the right. These
lighter kits can sometimes look very similar to a blue Tort at this age. However, if they still have a definite smokey gray
shading, they are a Black Tort.
Picture taken by Wildriver Rabbitry |
Here is a nicely developing Tort junior buck at about 6 weeks old. Notice his rich red/orange body color and the darker smokey
gray shading. A little light in the shading at this stage of development but not bad.
Picture taken by Wildriver Rabbitry |
Here is a nicely colored Senior Doe. Notice the nice clean rich red/orange body color contrasting against the nice dark shading.
Picture taken by Wildriver Rabbitry |
Here is the same lighter kit from above at 4 days old. Here, you can see it's lighter belly color. However, this rabbit still
has the smokey gray color which makes it a black Tort.
Picture taken by Wildriver Rabbitry |
Here is a picture of the same light Tort buck from previous pictures. He is about 8 weeks old in this picture. Notice his
light body color and shading. This is most likely a fault on the show tables. However, there is still that definite smokey
gray shading.
Picture taken by Wildriver Rabbitry |
Here is an example of a Mini Rex with with very dark color. Notice how her body color is so dark that it is hard to tell where
the shading ends and body color begins. This rabbit has been faulted for her color on the show tables in the past.
Picture taken by Wildriver Rabbitry |
Here is the darker Tort kit's belly at 4 days. Notice the difference in color. This belly is a much darker than the kit above.
Picture taken by Wildriver Rabbitry |
Here is a Broken Tort senior buck. Also very dark in color. However, you can still see a body color contrasting against a
darker shading.
Picture taken by Wildriver Rabbitry |
This kit is 4 days old. You can already clearly tell that this is a Broken Tort. There is also a clear body color contrasted
against the dark Smokey gray shading already.
Sable Point:
Other Names: Siamese Sable Point
aa B-cchl-D-ee
-Genetic Sable family
-Non extension
-Dense color
-Eyes Brown
If breeding for Sable Point, it is best to cross to Sable Point, Sable, Seal, Himalayan and sometimes White. Best to avoid
crossing to Self colors like Tort, Black, Chocolate and self dilutes. Plus, avoid crossing to dilute and dilute carrying varieties
or any agouti varieties, tan patterned and ticked varieties.
Newborn - 4 weeks
6 weeks - 5 months
Senior and over
Picture Courtesy of Cambridge Rabbitry |
Here are two newborn kits. Notice that one is lighter and one is darker. It may be hard to tell that the lighter kit is a
Sable Point at this age but once it grows it's hair in a little more, you should be able to see the shading.
Picture Courtesy of Cambridge Rabbitry |
Here are two kits. Not sure how old they are but as you can see, one is darker and one is lighter. The lighter kit is a possible
Sallander since it has almost white color coming in on the back. These kits are siblings.
Picture Courtesy of Cambridge Rabbitry |
This junior is a darker Sable Point. As you can see, there is belly shading on this kit. Not sure if this is permanent or
if it will go away with age.
Picture Courtesy of Cambridge Rabbitry |
Here is a very nice looking lighter junior Sable Point. This rabbit will probably get darker as it ages as most Sable Point
juniors do.
Picture taken by Wildriver Rabbitry |
Her is a nice looking Sable Point doe. As you can see there is a definite cream body color contrasting against a sepia brown
shading. Also notice that there is no belly shading on this particular animal.
Picture Courtesy of Cambridge Rabbitry |
Here is a picture of the dark and light Sable Point kits from above. These pictures are a good example of the different shades
of Sable Point.
Picture Courtesy of Cambridge Rabbitry |
Here is another pretty little junior. As you can see, this junior has less shading than the junior at the top of the three
pictures but darker than the junior in the middle of the three pictures. These three juniors give you a good look at different
shades of Sable Point that are possible in litters. Most of these juniors will probably get darker with age.
Picture Courtesy of Cambridge Rabbitry |
Here is a Sable Point with Vary Dark Shading and very light body color. Typically, a rabbit with very dark shading and very
light, almost white body color on the back like this rabbit, meats the Sallander description. However, if the rabbit carries
the cchl genes instead of the cchd genes, it is genetically a Sable Point. In my opinion, it is hard to tell which variety
this rabbit would be unless I know the genotype.
True Seal - aa B-cchlcchl-D-E-
- Full extension color
- Seal family is very close in genetics to Sable family.
- Can almost appear black in color.
- Eyes brown(all types of seal)
Self Chin (Seal appearance)- aa B-cchd-D-E-
- Carries the Chinchilla gene
- Sports a non agouti gene
- Easily confused with True Seal or Black.
Dark Sable(Seal appearance)- Not sure on the difference between a true Seal and a Dark Sable genetically yet.
- Easily confused with a True Seal or Black.
- May have a Ruby Cast to the eye color.
How can you tell between Black and Seal?
Seal and Black can look extremely similar. In fact, so similar that it can be very hard to tell the difference especially
by appearance.
Appearance wise, if you look at the surface color of a black, it should be a clean jet black all over where as a Seal's
surface body color should be off black with a brown tone to dark dark sepia brown. This could be confused with stain but
is the natural Seal color. A stained black will have more of a rusty tinge like dirty appearance but Seal color is more of
a clean deep off black. The body color on a Seal should then fade to an even lighter sepia brown color on the flanks and belly.
If you are still not sure about the difference appearance color wise, the under color should be a little different from
Black with at least the true Seal and Dark Sable. A black should have a Slate Blue under color while Seal should have a lighter
Sepia Brown under color. Also, if you have a Dark Sable, it may have a Ruby Glow to the eyes that Black should not have.
Of course, genetically the two varieties are very different. Black is a genetic Self color which means that it has the
same color over the entire body that extends down the hair shaft to the skin as far as possible. Seal on the other hand, is
a Shaded variety which is fairly obvious because of it's lighter shading on the flanks and belly.
Newborn - 5 weeks
6 weeks - 5 months
Senior and Over
PIcture Courtesy of Foxaway Rabbits |
Here is a black and a seal kit comparison. The Black is on the Right and the Seal is on the left. As you can see, the seal
is just a hint lighter than the black. Notice the dark jet black of the kit on the right compared to the off black color of
the kit on the left.
PIcture Courtesy of Foxaway Rabbits |
Here are the same two kit's bellies from above. As you can see the Black kit on the right has a pure black belly while the
Seal kit on the left has a lighter sepia brown off black belly and bottom of feet.
Kit at 6 weeks needed
Picture taken by Wildriver Rabbitry |
This particular doe is not a true seal. However, she is a Dark Sable which is very close to a True Seal. Dark Sables may have
a hint of Sable shading on the feet, ears, face and belly which is darker than the rest of it's body. Plus, Dark Sable can
also have a Ruby cast to their eyes. Notice the front feet on this doe. They are darker than the rest of the body color. Also
notice the ears. They are just a hint darker than the rest of the body as well.
Junior 8 weeks or over needed
Broken Seal needed
Broken Seal kit needed
Broken Seal needed
Seal next to Black needed
Non-Recognized Shaded Varieties:
Blue Tort:
Other Names: Blue Tortoise
aa B-C-dd ee
- Dilute of Black Tort
- Blue Gray Eyes
Newborn - 4 weeks
6 weeks - 5 months
Senior and Over
Picture Courtesy of Hoppy Enough Farms |
Hoppy Enough Farms
Here is a nicely colored Blue Tort. Notice the Caramel Fawn body color contrasted against the Blue gray shading on the nose,
ears, around eyes, the feet tail and belly. You can't see it in this picture but the eyes should be Blue Gray.
Chocolate Tort:
Other Names: Chocolate Tortoise
aa bb C-D ee
- Dense color
- Non Extension color
- Chocolate based
- Brown eyes
Newborn - 4 weeks
6 weeks - 5 months
Senior and Over
Picture Courtesy of Crimson Rabbitry |
Here is a litter of Tort and Red. The kit to the far left on the edge is the Chocolate Tort and the kit to the far right on
the edge is a Red. All the rest are Black Torts. Notice the cream ear lacing and eye circles on the red kit. A chocolate Tort
will not have this coloration. As you can see there is no ear lacing and the inside of the ears are a darker color than the
inside of the red kit's ears.
Picture Courtesy of Crimson Rabbitry |
Here are two broken juniors. The junior on the left is a Broken Chocolate Tort and the junior on the right is a Broken Red.
Notice the darker nose and the missing cream ear lacing on the Broken Chocolate Tort.
Picture courtesy of Cambridge Rabbitry |
Cambridge Rabbitry
Here is a belly color comparison between a Chocolate Tort and a light Black Tort. The Chocolate Tort is on the left and the
Black Tort is on the right. Notice how the Chocolate Tort belly is a light dusty gray/tan while the Black Tort belly is a
darker smokey gray.
Picture Courtesy of Crimson Rabbitry |
Here is a nicely colored junior. As you can see, there is a clear chocolate shading on the ears, nose and on the feet contrasting
against the orange body color.
Picture Courtasy of Crimson Rabbitry |
Not sure how old these kits are. As you can see, the kit in the front is the Chocolate Tort. You can really notice the difference
in color compared to the Black Tort kit directly to the right. If you look at the nose and feet, you can see the light Chocolate
color contrasting against the bright orange body color.
Lilac Tort
Other Names: Lilac Tortoise
aa bb C-dd ee
- Chocolate based
- Dilute of Chocolate
- Closely resembles Blue Tort.
- Blue Gray Eyes
Newborn - 4 weeks
6 weeks - 5 months
Senior and Over
Tort Otter
- Sports the non extension(ee) genes
- Sports the otter(at) genes
- May sport the Chocolate(bb) and/or Dilute(dd) genes in place of the Black(B) and/or Dense(D) genes.
Newborn - 4 weeks
6 weeks - 5 months
Senior and Over
Torted Harlequin
- Carries and sports the e(j) gene(Brindling/Harli/Tricolor gene)
- Can include either Japanese or Magpie Harlequen
- Carries and sports the non extension Tort gene
- Carries the self non agouti genes
- Can carry or sport the Dilute(dd) or Dense(D) color genes.
- Can carry or sport the Chocolate(bb) or Black(B) Genes.
- Sports the solid enen genes.
Newborn - 4 weeks
6 weeks - 5 months
Senior and Over
Picture Courtisy of Wally's Rabbitry |
Not exactly sure how old the rabbit is in this picture but as you can see, this animal is clearly sporting both the Harlequin
brindling and the black Tort shading. You should be able to see a hint of black Harlequin brindling on the rump. Plus, if
you look on the nose, ears and feet, you will see the dark smokey gray Tort shading. This particular animal would be known
as a "Torted" Japanese Black/Orange Harlequin.
Torted Tricolor
aa B_C_D_ejej
- Carries and sports the ej gene(Brindling/Harli/Tricolor gene)
- Carries the self genes.
- Can carry or sport the Dilute(dd) or Dense(D) color genes.
- Can carry or sport the Chocolate(bb) or Black(B) Genes.
- May either sport Broken Enen or EnEn(Charlie pattern) genes.
Newborn - 4 weeks
6 week - 5 months
Senior and Over
Picture Courtesy of Columbia River Rabbitry |
Notice the obvious Black Tricolor brindling within the broken pattern. However, also notice the Tort shading on the nose,
ears, around eyes, near the belly and on rump. This particular Rabbit is a "Torted" Black/Orange Tricolor.
Other Names: Siamese Sable
aa B-cchl-D-E-
- Black Based
- Full Extension Shaded
- Sable, cchl family
- Same as Siamese Sable in other breeds.
- Eyes Brown but can have a Ruby Cast
Newborn - 4 weeks
6 weeks - 5 months
Senior and Over
Picture taken by Wildriver Rabbitry |
Here is a close look at a 7 day old Sable Kit. Notice
the slight shading on the ears and feet. This kit may appear to have more of a bluish tone at this age and could be mistaken
as a Smoked Pearl unless you know the difference. Don't be fooled though. This little guy will get dark.
Picture taken by Wildriver Rabbitry |
Here is the same Sable at 8 weeks old. Notice that the silver ticking has totally disappeared and he is beginning to look
like a regular Sable now. Also take note that there is no more belly shading. In fact, the belly has almost gone totally opposite
and is lighter than the rest of the body now.
Pucture Courtesy of Midoro no Daichi Rabbitry |
Here is a nice Sable. Here you can clearly see the Sable shading on the face, ears and feet with the lighter Sepia brown body
Picture taken by Wildriver Rabbitry |
Here is a belly picture of the same kit from above. Notice that the belly is darker than the rest of body except for the feet
and ears.
Picture Courtesy of Cambridge Rabbitry |
Here is a picture of a young junior Sable. As you can see, the shading is already developing on this junior. Plus, if you
look very closely, you should still be able to see a hint of that ticking on the face.
Picture Courtesy of Midori no Daichi Rabbitry |
Here is a shedding Sable. As you can still clearly see, this is still a Sable.
Picture taken by Wildriver Rabbitry |
Here is a the same kit at 11 days old. Notice how dark this kit has gotten in such a short time. Definitely not a Smoked Pearl.
However, this kit has now developed another interesting coloration. Notice the silver layer of ticking on he surface of the
coat that was not there at 4 days old. Very pretty but will not stay this way for long.
Picture Courtesy of Cambridge Rabbitry |
Here is another nice looking Sable. Since this animal's picture was taken with a flash, the color looks lighter and more of
a Red tone but this is still a normal Sable. This does give you a better idea of the shading and body color contrast though.
Sable Martin
Other Names: Siamese Sable Martin
- Sports the Tan pattern gene
- Can sport the Chocolate(bb) and/or dilute(dd) genes instead of Black(B) and Dense(D) genes.
- Also sports the Sable genes.
Newborn - 4 weeks
6 weeks - 5 months
Senior and Over
Picture Courtesy of Midoro no Daichi Rabbitry |
Here is a black Sable Martin. As you can see from above, this rabbit has the Sable Shading but also has the Silver Martin
markings. Notice the Silver/whitish eye circles, ear lacing, nose forks and marking on the chin. Plus, if you look closely,
you should be able to see silver martin belly color.
Sable Chinchilla/Sable Agouti
A-B-cchl D-E-
- Shares both the agouti gene and the Sable Gene.
- Sports a full extension(E) gene.
Newborn - 4 weeks
6 weeks - 5 months
Senior and Over
Picture Courtesy of Midori no Daichi Rabbitry |
In my opinion, it is a little harder to tell that this rabbit is a sable since it is also a chinchilla. However, if you look
at the feet, you should be able to see that are darker than the rest of the body. Also notice the obvious lighter line of
color running across the back above the hips. This is usually found on most Sables.
Smoked Pearl
Other Possible Names: Siamese Smoked Pearl, Blue Sable, Smoke.
aa B-cchl-dd E-
- Also known as Blue Sable.
- Dilute of Sable
- Full Extension Color
Newborn - 4 weeks
6 weeks - 5 months
Senior and Over
Picture taken by Wildriver Rabbitry |
Here is a newborn kit at about 3-4 days old. Notice
how this animal looks very close to a Blue at this age. Don't be fooled though. This kit's color should start
looking different as it gets a little older.
Picture Courtesy of Hoppy Enough Farms |
Hoppy Enough Farms
Here is a Smoked Pearl junior. Notice how much darker this particular Smoked Pearl is than the Senior on the right.
Picture Courtesy of Midoro no Daichi Rabbitry |
Here is a Smoked Pearl(Blue Sable). Notice the darker Smokey Blue Gray Shading contrasted against a lighter Smokey Blue Gray
Body color.
Picture taken by Wildriver Rabbitry |
This is the same kit from above. It is about 1 week
- 9 days old in this picture. This kits color has changed quite a bit. It is hard to see in the dark picture but this kit
has actually grown in Creamy White fur over the original gray skin and and gray peach fuzz(tiny bit of fur growing in on newborn
kit's skin). In addition, you can now see strong dark shading on the ears.
Picture taken by Wildriver Rabbitry |
This is the same kit at 3-3 1/2 weeks now. Here
you can see the darker body color starting to come in over top of the light body color. As this rabbit matures into
a older junior - adult, this surface color should fill in and become thick and dark covering up most of the undercolor.
In this picture, you should also be able to see the darker Pearl gray shading on the nose, ears and feet. This shading should
stay noticable as the animal matures even with the dark body color.
Chocolate Sable
Other Names: Chocolate Siamese Sable
aa bb cchl-D-E-
- Chocolate Based
- Carries and Sports the Sable Gene
- Full extension color
Newborn - 4 weeks
6 weeks - 5 months
Senior and Over
Picture Courtesy of Cambridge Rabbitry |
It is hard to tell if there is shading in this picture but this is in fact and genetic Chocolate Sable. This particular animal
looks very close to a junior Chocolate.
Picture Courtesy of Cambridge Rabbitry |
Here is another picture of the Chocolate Sable from above. Here you can see a hint of brighter Chocolate on the back shading
to a darker more gray brown on the side. This rabbit also has a Ruby Cast to it's eyes even though it is hard to see in this
picture. Again, if not careful Chocolate Sable could be confused with Chocolate self. If you can see a Ruby Cast, it is most
likely not Chocolate but a Chocolate Sable.
Lilac Sable
Other Names: Lilac Siamese Sable
aa bb cchl-dd E-
- Dilute of Chocolate Sable
- Belongs to the Sable(Cchl)family
- Sports the full extension gene.
Newborn - 4 weeks
6 weeks - 5 months
Senior and Over
Blue Seal
Blue True Seal
aa B-cchlcchl dd E-
- Blue Dilute Seal
Blue Self Chinchilla
aa B-cchd-dd E-
- Dilute of self Chin
- Non agouti
Dark Smoked Pearl(Dark Blue Sable)
Genotype still unknown
- Dilute dark Sable
- Very similar to Blue True Sable in appearance.
Newborn - 5 weeks
6 weeks - 5 months
Senior and Over
Picture Courtesy of Cambridge Rabbitr |
This junior is a Dark Smoked Pearl(Blue Dark Sable). As you can see, the body color is a dark smokey blue gray color. Should
also be a little lighter and a little more of a smokey gray than a Blue Mini Rex.
Picture Courtesy of Cambridge Rabbitry |
Here is a little better look at the Dark Smoked Pearl or Blue Dark Sable junior. Here you should be able to see a hint of
darker blue shading on the ears and the hind feet with a tiny bit lighter smokey blue gray body color.
Picture Courtesy of Cambridge Rabbitry |
Here is a comparison between the Dark Smoked Pearl/Blue Self Chinchilla and a Blue Junior at the same age. The Blue is on
the left and the Dark Smoked Pearl/Blue Self Chin is on the right. Notice that the Blue junior on the left has a darker rich
blue gray color all over while the Dark Smoked Pearl/Blue Self Chin has a lighter body color with a hint of noticeable darker
blue/gray shading on the nose and ears.
Blue Point
Other Names: Blue Cream Point, Smoke Pearl Point
aa B-cchl-dd ee
- Dilute of Sable Point
- non extension color
- Sable family
Newborn - 4 weeks
6 weeks - 5 months
Senior and Over
Picture Courtesy of Hoppy Enough Farms |
Here is an older Blue Point junior. As you can see, the coloration in the shaded areas are a more blue gray color instead
of a dark sepia gray/brown. The body color should be close to the same color as a Sable Point. The only major difference in
appearance should be the color of the shading. However, don't get confused between a young under developed Sable Point with
very light gray shading and a Blue Point as these can sometimes look similar depending on how light your Sable Point is until
they get older
Picture Courtesy of McCune's Cotton Tails. |
This particular animal is a good example of the
body and shading coloration close up. Notice the Blue Gray shading (seen on the ears and feet) rather than the Sepia
shading and the more light gray pearl colored body rather than creamy white that you would see on Sable Point.
Chocolate Point
aa bb cchl-D-ee
- Chocolate bb Based
- Belongs to the Sable family
- Sports the non extension ee genes.
Newborn - 4 weeks
6 weeks - 5 months
Senior and Over
Lilac Point
aa bb cchl-dd ee
- Also may be known as "Cream" in some other breeds
- Dilute of Chocolate Point
- Sports the Non extension ee genes
- Belongs in the Sable family
Newborn - 4 weeks
6 weeks - 5 months
Senior and Over
Other Names: Iron Gray, Self Chinchilla Point
aa B-cchd-D-ee
- Very similar in color appearance to Sable Point
- Member of the Chinchilla family
- Non extension color
- Black based.
- Dense color
How doe you tell the differance between Sable Point and Sallander?
First of all Sable Point should have creamy/light Sepia body color shading to darker sepia color on the ears, nose, around
eyes, on the feet, tail and sometimes on the belly. Sallander is much darker than Sable Point with darker sepia or almost
Black shading on the ears, nose, around eyes, on the feet, tail and flanks and sometimes on the belly. The body color is often
darker than Sable Point with more smut as well even though it should have a very light gray or white body color on the back.
Genetically, Sable Point is a non-extension Sable (cchl) while Sallander is basically a non extension and a non agouti
Chinchilla with the cchd genes.
Newborn - 4 weeks
6 weeks - 5 months
Senior and Over
Picture Courtesy of Foxaway Rabbits |
Here is a 5 week old Broken Sallander. It is kind of hard to see the broken patch on it hips but it is there if you look closely.
Of course, you should be able to see the eye markings and ear markings. Also, we can tell that this is a black based Sallander
since there is a clear dark gray on the ears and around eyes.
Picture Courtesy of Foxaway Rabbits |
Here is a Broken Sallander at about 8 or 9 weeks. Actually looks like the same rabbit as the 5 week old kit to the left.
Now you can really see he dark shading on the ears, around eyes and the patches of color on the hips and rump.
Picture Courtesy of Foxaway Rabbits |
Here is a Solid Black based Sallander. This should give you a better idea on what the coloration is like. This particular
rabbit has a bit of a dark body color on the back. Sallander should have more of a white/light gray color to their backs.
However, other than it's body color, this is a very nice looking Sallander.
Picture Courtesy of Foxaway Rabbits |
Here Newborn Sallander. You can already see the shading on the belly and hips coming in contrasting against the light body
Picture Courtesy of Foxaway Rabbits |
Here is Broken black based Sallander. Notice the very dark almost black shading with the lighter gray body color on the back.
Picture Courtesy of Foxaway Rabbits |
Sallander and Frosted Pearl can look very similar at birth so here is a picture of a Sallander next to a Frosted Pearl at
2 days old. The Sallander should be the smaller kit on the top/left. Notice the light gray body color coming in on the Sallander
contrasting against the noticable darker gray shading on the ears and around eyes. However, the body color on the Frosted
Pearl is coming in very close to the same gray color all over.
Chocolate Sallander
aa bb-cchd-D-ee
- Member of the Chinchilla family
- Dense color
- Chocolate Based
- Non extension color
Newborn - 4 weeks
6 weeks - 5 months
Senior and Over
Picture Courtesy of Foxaway Rabbits |
Here is a Broken Chocolate Sallander at 3 weeks old. As you can see, this little guy has more of a Chocolate brown/orange
color tone instead of a gray color tone.
Picture Courtesy of Foxaway Rabbits |
Here is a Broken Chocolate Sallander at 8 or 9 weeks old. Here you can really notice the Chocolate shading with a lighter
yellowish/cream body color.
Picture Courtesy of Foxaway Rabbits |
Here is a very dark Broken Chocolate Sallander. This particular rabbit's body color is a little too dark for a Chocolate Sallander.
While this body color is more of a dark yellow orange, it should be more of a off white to light yellow in color with dark
chocolate shading.
Picture Courtesy of Foxaway Rabbits |
Here is another picture of a broken Chocolate Sallander. This time at 5 weeks old. Again, notice the Chocolate brown color
tones to the shading.